Claire Ashworth
Claire Ashworth

Head of Partnerships at Auderli

A believer in the power of communication to build relationships and trust.

Claire Ashworth

I thrive on bringing the human touch to an innovative tech company. Helping professional advisers engage and collaborate with their clients to build long-lasting relationships is a privilege. Keeping the individual at the heart of everything we do, helping to master the art of important life organisation, is a passion.

I leverage my 25+ years of experience building partnerships within different industries, including theatre, education and tech. Communicating ideas, playing with words, creating strategies and growing relationships. A talent for engaging with people is a fundamental part of my work.I enjoy developing business relationships and strategic partnerships to support Auderli for Professionals, as we roll out to IFAs, tax advisers, estate planners and law firms throughout the UK.

I am looking forward to growing relationships with large financial institutions to nurture unique customer engagement through Auderli. Once again, the human touch is the key ingredient.  

Passionate about cultural variety, I have lived and worked in various cities around the world, including Montpellier, Montreal, London, and Brighton. I am proud to speak French fluently and am learning Italian.

Write for us?

We're mainly based in Brighton, England but all work remotely, some of us abroad. We're always on the lookout for talented and driven individuals with a fire in their belly to join us. If that sounds like you, we'd love to hear from you.

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Hand drawn illustration showing a traditional decoration of flying ducks