Find out how you can cancel your Auderli subscription
If you cancel your subscription, you will no longer be able to:
Add assets and liabilities if you have more than 5 in your Auderli account; having everything saved in Auderli means you can keep track of your full net worth or ensure loved ones/professional advisors know all that you have and where it is
Upload files if you have more than 10; having all related files stored alongside your items in Auderli saves time and effort so you don't have to search for them in multiple places every time you need them
Allow others to add to or edit your portfolio; enabling others to update your portfolio for you takes the pressure off
You can cancel your Auderli subscription in a number of ways depending on how you originally paid.
We are currently working on enabling you to cancel your subscription from within the account section of the web app for those that paid this way, but in the meantime you can cancel on request.
Please email from the email address you registered your Auderli account with if you would like to cancel your Auderli subscription.